Quality Trust was created to serve as an independent monitoring organization to ensure that services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are responsive to each person’s individual needs and that the outcomes they desire, and need are met.

Quality Trust Quality Service Navigators visit people where they live, work and spend their days. The program activities include: individual monitoring, Long Term care follow-up and Serious Reportable Incident (SRI) follow-up on abuse, neglect, exploitation and unplanned hospitalization visits. Navigators also complete environmental site visits and report the data they collect. At the systemic level we track and trend all Serious Reportable Incidents in real time. In some cases, incident reviews lead to direct follow-up visits with the person and those closest to them. When circumstances warrant prolonged engagement, we provide time limited advocacy designed to ensure that people’s rights are respected. Everyone who is monitored are personally interviewed to ensure the assessment reflects what is most important to them. The goal of our assessment is to collect data, support people in getting things they desire and the things they need to live healthy and fulfilling lives.

Quality Trust’s Monitoring Team includes the Deputy Director for Programs, a Program Services Coordinator, a Healthcare Services Coordinator, five Quality Services Navigators, and a Registered Nurse. These staff members bring over 200 years of experience supporting and working with people with developmental disabilities. Many of our staff are family members of people with developmental disabilities which gives us a unique combination of professional and personal experience and passion not often found.


  • Monitored and reviewed over 1,270 people since the inception of the monitoring program
  • Reviewed 4,500 serious reportable incidents for class and non-class members
  • Check out our latest monitoring report in  Reports & Publications

Monitoring Success for Carol

Quality Trust’s monitoring team received a referral from Carol regarding an abuse incident where she alleged that her mother had struck her. While interviewing Carol and reviewing her documentation it became clear that she was not being supported in a manner that allowed her to live her best life. She had many health concerns that were unaddressed. She was not going to a day program and spent most of every day in her basement apartment alone with her elderly mother. The monitor supported Carol to get the necessary services and supports to make positive change in her life. The Quality Services Navigator coordinated team meetings and led a plan to have Carol move from her mother’s apartment and into a group home with women her age. Carol now has her medical needs met and attends an exciting day program. She is more active and takes part in different community activities with the other women. Carol is now leading a healthier and more fulfilling life with supports from Quality Trust.

To learn more about our monitoring services and supports please email Jimi Lethbridge, Deputy Director for Programs or call him at 202-448-1455.

You may also fill out our online intake form and once received; we will contact you.

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